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Whom Do I Contact with a question or suggestion?

Lake Geneva Schools’ communication protocols help promote direct, open, and respectful interactions so that we quickly and efficiently resolve problems and concerns. The communication protocol starts with the staff member closest to the situation, as that person usually has the most information. However, at times, additional personnel are required to resolve specific concerns. Appropriate communication channels for a variety of topics are listed below.

  • Academic or Classroom concerns should first be addressed with the classroom teacher.
  • School wide concerns should first be addressed to the school principal or associate principal.
  • District level concerns should first be addressed with the administrator responsible for the program or service. 

Communication Protocol

School Office

Phone: 262-348-4000
Fax: 262-248-7321


Health Office

Phone: 262-348-4002


900 Wisconsin Street
Lake Geneva, WI 53147


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Staff Directory

< 1 3 4 5 6 > showing 81 - 100 of 102 constituents

Brittany Ruvalcaba

Titles: Occupational Therapist
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School, Eastview Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-4000
Jaclyn Sanders

Jaclyn Sanders

Titles: Director of Food Services
Locations: Lake Geneva Schools
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-1000 ext. 1015
Terry Schaitel

Terry Schaitel

Titles: Custodial
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-4000 ext. 4070
Peggy Schneider

Peggy Schneider

Titles: Physical Therapist
Locations: Lake Geneva Schools
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-2000 ext. 2152
Nina Schumacher

Nina Schumacher

Titles: Paraprofessional
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-4000
Melanie Slattery

Melanie Slattery

Titles: Physical Education Teacher
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-4000 ext. 4023
Cheryl Smith

Cheryl Smith

Titles: Payroll
Locations: Lake Geneva Schools
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-1000 ext. 1003
Stacy Smith

Stacy Smith

Titles: 2nd Grade Teacher
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-4000 ext. 4201
Amy Stanfield-Dunham

Amy Stanfield-Dunham

Titles: Music Teacher
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-4000 ext. 4213
Rachel Straka

Rachel Straka

Titles: Social Worker
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School, Star Center Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-7000
Colleen Swiatowy

Colleen Swiatowy

Titles: 2nd Grade Teacher
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-4000 ext. 4215
Chiper Tennessen

Chiper Tennessen

Titles: Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Locations: Lake Geneva Schools
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-1000 ext. 1009
Antoinette Truax

Antoinette Truax

Titles: Food Service
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-4000 ext. 4006
Mackenzie Umnus

Mackenzie Umnus

Titles: 4K Teacher
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-4000 ext. 4009
Jenn Wagner-Martin

Jenn Wagner-Martin

Titles: Guidance Teacher
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-4000 ext. 4235
Victoria Warren

Victoria Warren

Titles: Reading Teacher
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-4000 ext. 4225
Andrea Watson

Andrea Watson

Titles: 3rd Grade Teacher
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-4000 ext. 4229
Dawn Webster

Dawn Webster

Titles: Reading Teacher
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-4000 ext. 4520
Peter Wilson

Peter Wilson

Titles: Superintendent
Locations: Lake Geneva Schools
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-1000 ext. 1001
Eve Zegarra

Eve Zegarra

Titles: Personnel
Locations: Lake Geneva Schools
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-1000 ext. 1010
< 1 3 4 5 6 > showing 81 - 100 of 102 constituents